Sunday, March 27, 2011

17813.8 miles.

So as you should all know, I just got back from my wonderful spring break in Asia.  It was not easy getting there.  First, it started with Robert being accepted into the exchange program at City University of Hong Kong from San Francisco State University.  Soon after, I had to save all my money from jobs during my last semester in college to pay for the trip since my parents refuse to pay for such things anymore.  I know, I must really like this guy if I started saving up almost a year in advance, I guess you can say I do.

Then I had to find a cheap flight, which luckily I did, $749 with tax and fees, and a place to stay, because the crazy school Robert decided to attend does not allow guests past midnight! Ridiculous, I say.  I found this little hostel located in Jordan, about a 10 minute  MTR ride from his school, little did I know that to get to the MTR you have to walk up and down a hill!. It was really cheap, but oh, so little!  I didn't even get pictures because I don't think there was enough room to stand in the room and photograph it.

Anyway, so during these past 10 days, I flew a total of 17813.8 miles, which was about 38.5 hours of sitting in an airplane, and I do not even want to THINK about the amount of travel time that included getting to and from the airport, sitting in the airport waiting, and immigration, oh how I hate immigration! Ah!  All in all, it was worth it.  The most amazing spring break ever.

DAY 1/2:

The first 2 days were spent in Hong Kong.  We ate and laid around and shopped and relaxed.  Dim sum was the first stop after I dropped my bags off at Robert's.

Then on Friday night, we went to my favorite airport in the world, Hong Kong International to fly to Phuket, Thailand. When we were filling out our arrival and departure forms for Thailand, we noticed there was a spot for a visa number.  PANIC, WE NEED A VISA TO GO TO THAILAND???  After 5 minutes for sheer fright, we realized that no, we don't need a visa to get into Thailand.  Haha, so when we get to Phuket, which is the first airport I've been to that is actually worse than LAX (for being one of the largest airports in the world, it is very ugly and old looking), we find the driver we arranged with our hotel.  It takes us about 45 minutes to get to Kata Beach where we stayed for the 4 nights.

It was about 1 AM by the time we got to the hotel, so we hit the hay and planned our next day.

DAY 3:

We took the walk down to the beach, which was supposed to be a 5 minute walk, but we got distracted by all the shops and food and kind of got lost.  The beach is behind all these buildings so you have to walk through alleys that have small "TO THE BEACH" signs that we totally missed.

We finally got to the beach and ordered two chaise lounges for the day, it cost about 200 baht, about 6 dollars.  So cheap.

Then we played in the water and had lunch.  When we returned to our hotel about 4 hours later, we decided to get mani/pedis!  For the both of us, including tip, it was 450 baht, 15 dollars! Everything is so cheap!

DAY 4:

We decided to rent a motor scooter for the day and drive around to the other beaches which were only 7-15 minutes away.  I am surprised I did this because I got on Robert's motorcycle once and rode around the block and almost DIED!  But motor scooters are a lot nicer.  I stayed on fine and didn't have to cling on for dear life.

We went to Karon Beach, which was just north of Kata.  It was emptier and more calm than Kata, but a lot hotter.  It's not surrounded by trees and buildings so the sand was hot, hot, hot.  We also got lounges and hung out around for a little.

We left for lunch and told the man not to give away our lounges, but we never returned because I got sick!!!  But not before we went to Patong, which was not cool.  People were hounding us to get jet skis, and it was dirty, and someone tried to sell us pot!

DAY 5:

My sickness took over for the rest of day 4, and part of day 5.  But I bravely got dressed and went to lay on the beach.  I don't think I took any pictures because I felt awful.  So we went back to our room early and rented Pinocchio from the front desk and ordered room service.

DAY 6:

Our last day in Thailand, we woke up super early, and had breakfast.  We walked to the beach in normal clothes and realized we wanted to get into the water before we had to fly out.  So we go changed and played in the water for a few hours.

DAY 7:

Back in Hong Kong, this was the day we were planning on going to Disneyland, but we didn't.  I forget why, and I kind of forget what we did.  Walk around, eat, take the MTR.  We went to this breakfast place and helped this Canadian family get food because they were confused.  I also bought our Disneyland tickets at Circle K, which is like 7-11.  If you bought two tickets, they gave you a FREE umbrella!!!  I do not know where the picture of the umbrella is, so you will have to wait and look for it on fb.

Then I'm pretty sure we looked at shops, ate lunch at this yummy tapas place and took a nap.

I believe we also went down to the pier area.  Robert wanted a night picture with Bruce Lee, but he was boarded up.  Instead, we took a lot of pictures of us at the pier, which I also cannot locate.

The shopping center there is soooooo nice!  I refuse to return to Hong Kong until I can shop there without have a heart attack from being broke.

DAY 8:

DISNEYLAND.  So we have breakfast and go to Disneyland Hong Kong.  They have their own MTR line that takes you right to the park.  Anaheim needs this.  It's like less than 3 dollars to get to the park.  No fifteen dollar parking here!  And the train is soooo cool.

The park is teeny-tiny.  Only consists of Tommorrowland, Fantasyland, and Adventureland.  And the only ride in Adventureland was the jungle cruise... really?? Tomorrowland had my two favorites: Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear's Astroblasters!!! Fantasyland had this Winnie the Pooh ride that took our picture!!

We also stayed for the fireworks, which were nice and short.  They let you sit on the floor here! So much nicer and such a better view!

What a wonderful place.

DAY 9:

We have breakfast and walk around the city.  Then we got tired and took a nap.  And Robert decided to make desserts, so we ate that and went to Causeway Bay to meet up with Robert's cousin and his girlfriend.  We ate at Din Tai Fung, which they have here in Arcadia.  It is PRICEY, but enjoyable.

After we had dessert at Crumbs, even though we already had dessert at dinner... haha.  Crumbs is this yummy place that has light ice cream, that resembles frozen yogurt and this crumbly topping.  Yum.

While walking around on the streets, we run into the Hong Kong version of AXE girls.  We told them we'd do their little project if they look a picture of us, and they did, so we did.  We went into this weird room off the street and the result was this:

Haha, so weird, I can't even explain.

DAY 10:

I had left all my luggage and stuff at Robert's dorm since our room was so small, and we had gotten back late the night before so I wasn't allowed in his building.  So we had to wake up early so I could pack my stuff really fast and head to the airport.  Then I left.

So sad.  But what a wonderful time.  Thanks for a wonderful week and a half, Robby!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

things i love about life

In no particular order:
  • When you get home and your dog is sooooo happy to see you.
This is an example what my dog, Louie, looks like when he is excited and running.
  • Cheap. effective instant coffee.
This is one of my favorites.
  • When you wake up from a nap and you're in such high demand that there are text messages spilling out of your inbox.
  • The scent of magic and music of enchantment when you get off the tram in Downtown Disney.
This is exactly what you see when walking off the tram.
  • Left-overs.
  • The feeling of finally relieving yourself after holding your pee FOREVER.
  • When you decide to buy something and you find out at the register it is actually on sale!
  • Getting A's.

  • Receiving snail mail.
  • When people don't listen and you are finally able to say, "I told you so."
  • Hugs from Robert.
This is as close of a hug picture I could find of us, which, I say, is a good thing.
  • Pay day.
  • Loud family get togethers.
  • Little, red facebook notifications.
I found this on google images.
  • When you haven't left for school yet and your professor emails you to tell you class is canceled.
  • When you hang out with babies and toddlers and they become attached to you for the day, but only for one day.
  • When you see a teacher from way back when at the grocery store and he still remembers you.
  • When you hang out with old friends you haven't seen in ages and nothing has changed.
  • Taking exams 3 days early to go on extended spring break!
See ya when I get back from Asia!!!