Friday, February 25, 2011

3 months shy of a year.

Exactly 4 years ago, I was living the life in my giant dorm room in Southwest (best dorm EVER.)  I'm pretty sure this is when I went through my homesick phase, the only time I had ever been homesick since I was like 10.  I don't remember many details, but I do remember we drank too much, studied too little, and had the perfect amount of fun.

A year (in 3 months) ago is when it all ended, college was over.  I remember that day as boring, very boring at first, damn whoever convinced me to go to convocation.  Then I remember my first name not being called when I got my diploma, but whatever, I'm over it, kind of.  After it was a whirlwind of photos and all the sudden it had ended.  The end of an era.  It was time for us to drink champagne out of glass bowls stolen from the dining hall because we had already packed up the lives we had built in our tiny, overpriced, on-campus apartment.

This picture of our empty apartment truly saddens me.  I will never be able to see UC 10 again.

Since that day, May 15, 2010, life has changed so much.  Who knew how different life could be in less than a year.  I spent my summer doing absolutely nothing and live the life of a true post-grad.  And now I am here, in Pomona, CA, going to school, yet again.  I feel like time here has actually passed faster than it did a mere 4 years ago when I was a bright-eyed 18 year old.

I don't even know what to say, when I started school here, it was like being a freshmen in college all over again, minus the dorms.  We partied all weekend, went to class, went to lab, and partied all over again.  Same deal, different place, different people.  I love all the people I met here, we all became so close, so fast, but I miss all the people I met in undergrad.  I miss my study group, I miss my lab partners, and I miss my roommates.  Things will never, ever be as they were when you are living the life as an undergrad.  We ended up in all different places, SF, SJ, Davis, LA, the Netherlands, and life is so weird without them.

Who knows what the next year will bring...

Highlights of my last year in college:

$2 Wed nights at FATS:

BFF Enrique from our weekly In n Out visits:

More Fats, guess the occasion:

Not so bright ideas:

When that one guy that wasn't Tony or Enrique gave Laura free onions:

Finally experiencing the ASPARAGUS FESTIVAL:

When old friends reunite at random parties:

BFF Sam:

Finally painting the rock after 4 years:

And, the end:


Monday, February 7, 2011

proud moment of the week.

So I have this reputation around town, as being the pretty good, and when I say pretty good, I mean REALLY GOOD at Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters in Disneyland's Tommorrowland.  And I do not exaggerate today.  Before I'd be alright, you know, very proud of my score, but only hitting levels 4 (Space Scout) and on a good occasion level 5 (Ranger, First Class).  But this last time I went to Disneyland, I got as high as you could possibly get: LEVEL 7: GALACTIC HERO.


To be fair, the game was stopped for a little bit, but it was not stopped anywhere significant.  But on my own I already had a score upwards over 300,000 within the first minute, while my partner in my cart (no offence) only had around 30,000, so I'd like to say this was all skill.  Not many can max out the point counter halfway through the game.  I even took a break because my arm hurt and took this picture:

Anyway, to my delight, Disneyland understood this momentous time in my life and asked for my initials:

TOP TEN and this was only half and hour before the parked closed, so I would like to say this is quite a feat.

Sadly, Disney has been disappointing me because the past two times I went my picture was either deleted and recreated with cartoons, example:

Or didn't get sent at all, which is what happened this last time with my amazing score :(

But not to worry, I have learned to always have some back ups just in case.  I needed proof or else no one would believe this score, not even the people with me.

See, I'm wearing my tan jacket that can be seen on me all day in the park.  When you're this impressive, they slideshow your pic on the big screens when you walk off the ride.  Along with this:

Only one person beat me all day.  Number 7, not too shabby.  Pretty good proud moment of the week I'd say.  I still brag about it.  Well not really, but I am right now, but let me gloat because this will probably never happen again.

LGM, I would love to meet you one day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Believe it or not, there was once a day when I was not well liked by everyone.  Haha, hard to imagine, I know.  During my junior year of high school, you know back when my xanga was poppin', I got a rude message on one of my posts.  Who knows what it said, but it was this long paragraph about what an awful person I am.  I vaguely remember stuff about me being a lesbian, but in particular, this fan of mine was attacking my white-washed complex.  Then I stumbled upon my hate page.

Yes, I had a certified hate xanga because I was not Asian enough.

At my high school of 3200+ people, 85% of the students were Caucasian.  There were Asian people, I just didn't hang out with them much.  Was it my fault that I did not fit in with the Asians that were present at my school?  Don't get me wrong, I had Asian friends, I like Asian people and have nothing against my own kind, I just didn't hang out with the "Asian group".  The group I'm referring to consisted of the only 20 Asians not in AP classes.  At lunch, they hung out right outside the girl's bathroom!  And if you've ever met me, you would know that I have major issues about food being anywhere near a restroom.

I hung out with a wonderful group of young ladies, race was negligible.  It didn't matter to me where their families were from over 100 years ago, they were a big part of my high school experience and I love each and everyone of them for it.

So instead of lunching by the restroom or going to Asian club meetings, I was off gossiping, or being involved with the school.  And for this, I was "hated".  This hate xanga featured a headline that I will always remember: Someone slap Jennifer and tell her she's not white.  I would like to make one thing clear, I never thought I was white!  I have indeed looked in the mirror and have seen my jet black hair, lightly tanned skinned, and dark, little eyes when I smile.  I was under no confusion on what I was, I was CHINESE!!  Just like a couple billion other people out there.

I ate rice for almost ever meal.  I spoke Chinese at home to my parents (on occasion) and always to my grandparents.  I grew up with the culture and values instilled in every Asian-American.  I took off my shoes when entering a house.  I drove a Honda.  I mean, I couldn't possibly get more Asian if I had tried.

At the time of the discovery of the blog, I found it laughable.  I was totally flattered that someone spent their time thinking about how much they hated me so much they actually took time out of their day and dedicated a whole website to me!  I mean, I'm still kind of flattered, it's kind of a big deal, but I am now more sad for this person and for people out there just like him/her (to this day, I have absolutely no idea who made that site).  How can people in our society feel that race has anything to do with how a person should be thought of and treated?  I am Chinese because I was born to Chinese parents.  I am not Chinese because I choose to be.  I do not think Chinese people are any better than any other race, but I do not think they are any less of people either.  Being Chinese is what I am, not who I am.

I am very proud of who I am and where I come from, but I feel that if I was raised in another family I would also find these same ideals I live by.  I am proud of being Chinese because it is a part of me, I just don't think I have to be in the Asian Club, or in this case, eat lunch by the girl's restroom to prove it.

whether you are chinese, white, purple, or green :)