Tuesday, January 18, 2011

march- the month of spring break and amazingness.

So if you aren't friends with me on facebook, which I kind of highly doubt because I think a total of 3 people read this blog and I know that each and everyone of you guys are my friends on facebook.  Well anyway, if you aren't my friend on facebook then I want to take some time out of my day to tell you about the wonderful month of March.

See March is smack dab in the middle of my semester, which is the longest semester known to mankind.  It started on January 3, 2011, and does not end until May 20, 2011.  That is almost 5 whole months, whoever designed the school system here is seriously deranged.  That is beside the point, the point I am trying to make is that in March, wonderful things will happen.

First off, in the whole entire month of March I only have one exam.  Count that, ONE!  I mean I've only been in school for 2 weeks and already have 2 and counting, so one in a month is marvelous!

Second, during the first weekend of March, my best and truest friend is coming to visit and we will be doing very sophisticated and grown up things like going to the theatre and Disneyland!  Yes, so what if the show is about puppets?  The show info says that no one under the age of 5 is allowed in, so surely it is very mature and for adults only.

I don't actually know what this show is about.  I've been to a few shows where I have not one clue what it is about and have enjoyed every production except one, West Side Story.  Do not see that.

Then I plan on recreating this moment:

If you don't recognize the white girl in the picture, she's not some random.  That is Laura, my best and truest friend, posing with me in front of my Southern California residence.

After this already memorable weekend, I will spend countless hours in my room, at my desk studying for my one exam.  As soon as that finishes, I plan on returning to the theatre and watching this amazing classic. 

 I have not seen it yet, but I already know that it will be fantastic.

Then, my favorite part of the spring semester comes, SPRING BREAK.  I usually spend my spring breaks in glamorous locals, such as, Disneyland, Cancun, or my mom's house.  But this year I will be visiting this guy:

I have booked myself a high class hostel in Hong Kong and plan to eat as much Asian food as I can.  I will be taking this 18+ hours flight alone because I always seem to fly alone, I don't remember the last time I actually knew someone on a plane.  I dread, dread, dread the flight, but I am sooo excited to get another stamp in my passport!

I have a few things to check off on my list while I'm there. 

Check-off list:
1. Go to Disneyland Hong Kong

That's about it.  

But while I'm there we're flying to Phuket, Thailand.  I always pronounce it "fuk-it", you know like when you're mad about something, but Robert says it "foo-ket", I don't know who is right. Well I'm staying at this gorgeous hotel off Kata Beach, Sugar Palm Grand Hillside, for only 48 dollars a night, and that includes breakfast every morning!

I think that by the end of March I will be dirt poor, but it will all be worth it.  So, so, sooooooo excited!


  1. So I was really enjoying this post until I saw that your favorite part of march will be spring break... ouch. But I guess I will let it slide, so long as you send me a post card from Disneyland over there!!

  2. Avenue Q is super racy so it definitely is not for anyone under 5... or anyone under 18 for that matter. But it is funny so enjoy it.

    And now I want to go to Thailand.

    Thanks for that.
